Academy Rules




[list type=”ol” style=”1″]Students must show respect to fellow students, instructors, guests, and parents. ^Mr. McCutcheon and ALL instructors will be referred to as “Sir”, Ma’am”, Mr., Mrs., Miss. NEVER should they be referred to by their first names. ^Answer all commands from all instructors with “Yes, Sir”, or “Yes, Ma’am”. ^NO back talk. ^Bow when: Entering or leaving the Academy, entering or leaving the work out area, getting on or off the mat. Before asking an instructor a question, you should bow and then ask the question. ^Come to class in the right frame of mind to learn. ^ Be prompt: Be dressed and ready for class. ^ All students should stretch out and warm up before class starts. ^Pick up your attendance card to take to class when you arrive. ^Shoes, hats, coats must be placed neatly in the locker rooms, not in the hallways. ^As a student you are expected to pick up after yourself. ^NO swearing at any time in the Academy. ^ NEVER USE THE WORD CAN’T. ^NO gum chewing during class. ^ NO talking laughing or horseplay during class. This is NOT PLAY time. ^ NO CONTACT TO SPINE, FACE, OR BELOW THE BELT. ^ No socks on the workout floor. No tennis shoes on the workout floor. ^ No food or drink on the workout floor or locker/dressing rooms. ^DO NOT come to class under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol. ^All students must wear a proper uniform while working out, during class, or in open gym. ^All Beginners and Advanced White Belts must wear white uniforms. ^Yellow Belts and above may wear black uniforms. ^Black Belts should wear a Red or Blue top. ^Your appearance should be neat and clean. Uniforms must be neat and clean. ^Belt must be tied properly. ^As a student, you and you alone are responsible for your uniform, belt, and other equipment. ^All students’ hair must be neat and clean. ^NO JEWELRY of any kind may be worn on the workout floor (male/female.) New piercings must be taped. ^Trim fingernails and toenails. Women’s nails must be of normal length, nothing excessive. ^GROIN PROTECTION, MOUTHPIECE, HAND, FOOT AND HEADGEAR must be worn by all students. ^Students must average no less than one (1) hour of classes per week in order to obtain the rank Advanced White Belt, Yellow Belt, Orange or Blue Belt. ^Students must average no less than two (2) hours of classes per week in order to obtain the rank Purple Belt, Green Belt, Brown or Red Belt. ^Black Belt test: 3 months prior to test you must average at least three(3) hours of class per week. ^Testing Notice will be posted on the bulletin board each month. If for some reason you cannot make the test, your test will be rescheduled. Please notify us of any changes at least one (1) week prior to your test. ^All tests must be paid for before the test date. A $5.00 late charge will be added to the testing fee if paid for on or after the testing date. ^If a student must take a leave of absence, you must fill out a leave of absence form. The form can be obtained from the office. ^Orange belts and higher must have their own sparring gear. Yellow Belts and below may use the school’s sparring gear. ^All students must compete in one tournament per year. [/list]